Let's Explore

Behind the veil


I write about life, love and liberty. Whether the inspiration comes from a personal experience or a revelation, I hope readers leave with more than just information.


Truth should not be sugar-coated, however it can be conveyed in ways that stimulates a thoughtful mind and opens heart with warmth. Welcome to my world of beauty!


As a song writer, I long to see Christ exalted through my lyrics and hearts inspired to reach out for all that's possible through Christ's death and His risen life.

About Me

I am Emmanuel Baffu Amuah, a PhD researcher in Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Quantum Materials at the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO) in Barcelona, Spain. I currently undertake my research work at the Physics Department of the Aarhus University in Aarhus, Denmark. At heart, I am an  author, a song writer and a poet. I love to capture truths with the beauty of words with an aim to simply inspire my readers to higher living. I am married and together, my wife and I live in the beautiful city of Aarhus, Denmark.    

Your Experience

Very inspiring. Keep it up!
Meaningful Noisemaking